Evan is our four year old and he takes very good care of the puppies. He feeds them, gives them water, and makes sure that they always have a toy to play with. They come running to him whenever he comes to see the puppies. He has learned to be very gentle with them which is wonderful for him because he is ALL BOY! Our little Coleman in the pictures above is now SOLD and we will be so sad to see him go. He is such a mellow puppy that is already learning to sit. What a smart little guy! Congratulations to the Connelly family! I'm sure Coleman will love his new family and that he will be loved.
Our little Regina is putting up with her big sister, Angelina, who is our 9 month old chocolate puppy and future breeder. She just loves to play with the little ones but she doesn't know how big she is. Regina is SOLD to the Rubow family and her name is now Zoe. It has been so wonderful to get to know the Rubows through our puppies and I know that Regina will grow up in a very special family.
Zoe is asleep at this moment with her head propped on my fuzzy slippers which means I'm sitting here not going anywhere because we all know I'm the alpha right? ;) I'm such a moosh.....